Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2024
Generated 01-Jul-2024 00:11 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2024
Total Hits 1380213
Total Files 851483
Total Pages 903905
Total Visits 68753
Total KBytes 73094435
Total Unique Sites 19708
Total Unique URLs 50749
Total Unique Referrers 21905
Total Unique User Agents 7224
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1916 16949
Hits per Day 46007 66511
Files per Day 28382 49528
Pages per Day 30130 44301
Sites per Day 656 3569
Visits per Day 2291 6465
KBytes per Day 2436481 5646437
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.00% 1
Code 200 - OK 61.69% 851483
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.15% 2025
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 34.49% 476084
Code 302 - Found 0.00% 20
Code 304 - Not Modified 1.95% 26946
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 4
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.02% 220
Code 404 - Not Found 1.70% 23430

Daily usage for June 2024

Daily Statistics for June 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 42804 3.10% 23741 2.79% 27255 3.02% 1438 2.09% 1080 5.48% 2210144 3.02%
2 42934 3.11% 25673 3.02% 24125 2.67% 1666 2.42% 1594 8.09% 2449104 3.35%
3 41057 2.97% 24535 2.88% 25784 2.85% 1938 2.82% 2312 11.73% 2500302 3.42%
4 41142 2.98% 23682 2.78% 24418 2.70% 2156 3.14% 2320 11.77% 2605879 3.57%
5 45794 3.32% 27925 3.28% 26367 2.92% 3204 4.66% 2622 13.30% 2993698 4.10%
6 42243 3.06% 23855 2.80% 24836 2.75% 2706 3.94% 2567 13.03% 2832194 3.87%
7 54438 3.94% 28782 3.38% 40655 4.50% 3492 5.08% 2884 14.63% 2106124 2.88%
8 42609 3.09% 27016 3.17% 24339 2.69% 1440 2.09% 1407 7.14% 2584975 3.54%
9 45630 3.31% 30450 3.58% 29629 3.28% 1705 2.48% 1809 9.18% 2653769 3.63%
10 66511 4.82% 49528 5.82% 39458 4.37% 6465 9.40% 2867 14.55% 5646437 7.72%
11 63521 4.60% 42572 5.00% 43779 4.84% 5980 8.70% 3569 18.11% 3356969 4.59%
12 46331 3.36% 27545 3.23% 33984 3.76% 2718 3.95% 2611 13.25% 2005320 2.74%
13 39332 2.85% 23201 2.72% 26999 2.99% 1235 1.80% 1150 5.84% 1708379 2.34%
14 53194 3.85% 33156 3.89% 40459 4.48% 2191 3.19% 1558 7.91% 1790679 2.45%
15 39510 2.86% 24191 2.84% 25346 2.80% 1806 2.63% 1286 6.53% 1810805 2.48%
16 41945 3.04% 24642 2.89% 29038 3.21% 2209 3.21% 1119 5.68% 1745733 2.39%
17 49397 3.58% 30894 3.63% 28633 3.17% 1550 2.25% 1124 5.70% 2943193 4.03%
18 23013 1.67% 13601 1.60% 10498 1.16% 1486 2.16% 1263 6.41% 1441705 1.97%
19 61240 4.44% 42372 4.98% 33488 3.70% 1513 2.20% 1154 5.86% 5382324 7.36%
20 65417 4.74% 45904 5.39% 44301 4.90% 1542 2.24% 1218 6.18% 2938526 4.02%
21 41940 3.04% 25609 3.01% 29647 3.28% 1497 2.18% 1246 6.32% 1810415 2.48%
22 47654 3.45% 29786 3.50% 31125 3.44% 2209 3.21% 1148 5.83% 2467640 3.38%
23 46209 3.35% 28972 3.40% 29764 3.29% 2455 3.57% 2011 10.20% 2212409 3.03%
24 39699 2.88% 23575 2.77% 27794 3.07% 2096 3.05% 1350 6.85% 1892263 2.59%
25 37901 2.75% 22530 2.65% 27722 3.07% 2302 3.35% 1835 9.31% 1448541 1.98%
26 43283 3.14% 25387 2.98% 29898 3.31% 2270 3.30% 2070 10.50% 1956662 2.68%
27 36682 2.66% 21532 2.53% 25975 2.87% 2013 2.93% 1961 9.95% 1423733 1.95%
28 55479 4.02% 34325 4.03% 40631 4.50% 2629 3.82% 1967 9.98% 1978214 2.71%
29 44074 3.19% 22982 2.70% 31702 3.51% 1571 2.28% 1224 6.21% 1966475 2.69%
30 39230 2.84% 23520 2.76% 26256 2.90% 1790 2.60% 1458 7.40% 2231822 3.05%

Hourly usage for June 2024

Hourly Statistics for June 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1740 52222 3.78% 1063 31907 3.75% 1216 36501 4.04% 76514 2295432 3.14%
1 1811 54357 3.94% 1070 32108 3.77% 1229 36890 4.08% 105843 3175293 4.34%
2 1496 44903 3.25% 826 24801 2.91% 1185 35571 3.94% 49407 1482216 2.03%
3 1739 52184 3.78% 916 27501 3.23% 1438 43146 4.77% 41433 1242984 1.70%
4 1682 50481 3.66% 877 26320 3.09% 1412 42388 4.69% 35386 1061568 1.45%
5 1610 48314 3.50% 850 25501 2.99% 1249 37478 4.15% 50955 1528662 2.09%
6 1568 47054 3.41% 839 25189 2.96% 1246 37386 4.14% 44240 1327188 1.82%
7 1596 47899 3.47% 863 25910 3.04% 1164 34926 3.86% 50538 1516148 2.07%
8 1717 51511 3.73% 987 29639 3.48% 1169 35072 3.88% 74569 2237079 3.06%
9 2048 61449 4.45% 1319 39571 4.65% 1265 37952 4.20% 116493 3494788 4.78%
10 1891 56738 4.11% 1187 35623 4.18% 1188 35658 3.94% 107499 3224981 4.41%
11 1819 54593 3.96% 1106 33185 3.90% 1174 35227 3.90% 91302 2739046 3.75%
12 1961 58835 4.26% 1166 34999 4.11% 1317 39527 4.37% 108833 3265003 4.47%
13 1764 52925 3.83% 1028 30845 3.62% 1161 34858 3.86% 97120 2913594 3.99%
14 1864 55938 4.05% 1087 32633 3.83% 1250 37507 4.15% 88510 2655289 3.63%
15 1891 56732 4.11% 1130 33907 3.98% 1201 36033 3.99% 104620 3138590 4.29%
16 2049 61494 4.46% 1246 37386 4.39% 1336 40085 4.43% 91640 2749208 3.76%
17 2032 60973 4.42% 1238 37142 4.36% 1328 39840 4.41% 98915 2967439 4.06%
18 2344 70345 5.10% 1676 50288 5.91% 1365 40978 4.53% 150959 4528756 6.20%
19 2327 69821 5.06% 1646 49385 5.80% 1289 38692 4.28% 156459 4693765 6.42%
20 2021 60656 4.39% 1331 39959 4.69% 1172 35165 3.89% 134006 4020166 5.50%
21 2199 65994 4.78% 1503 45108 5.30% 1234 37047 4.10% 161272 4838171 6.62%
22 2332 69976 5.07% 1601 48051 5.64% 1251 37538 4.15% 172101 5163028 7.06%
23 2493 74819 5.42% 1817 54525 6.40% 1281 38440 4.25% 227868 6836040 9.35%

Top 30 of 50749 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 255780 18.53% 811378 1.11% /
2 5131 0.37% 1542 0.00% /favicon.ico
3 1104 0.08% 552395 0.76% /1.Agenda/20220122E1400.jpg
4 1101 0.08% 2935 0.00% /arttilea.jpg
5 850 0.06% 3463 0.00% /Inhalt0.htm
6 816 0.06% 3732 0.01% /indexB.htm
7 616 0.04% 94097 0.13% /1.Agenda/20190625.jpg
8 559 0.04% 255111 0.35% /1.Agenda/20220122A.jpg
9 548 0.04% 7923 0.01% /Agenda.htm
10 535 0.04% 87482 0.12% /2.Static/Adler/1.Adler-JP-24/Reitz-93737-Lv.jpg
11 514 0.04% 3167 0.00% /logos/Photos_by_Osterthun_3.gif
12 467 0.03% 5089 0.01% /2.StaticEloks/0.AltbauEloks.htm
13 467 0.03% 10150 0.01% /logos/FB1.jpg
14 453 0.03% 3249 0.00% /logos/YouTube.jpg
15 448 0.03% 1352 0.00% /index~trains.htm
16 440 0.03% 67884 0.09% /2.Static/18.323~M38323-Lv.JPG
17 440 0.03% 786 0.00% /logos/flag_de.gif
18 439 0.03% 660 0.00% /logos/flag_gb.gif
19 435 0.03% 68908 0.09% /2.Static/Adler/1.Adler-JP-24/94600H-JP-Lok-Lv.JPG
20 432 0.03% 78393 0.11% /2.Static/18.323-M38323N.jpg
21 430 0.03% 66768 0.09% /2.Static~MiMe/02501H-La-2576.jpg
22 429 0.03% 2123 0.00% /index~fotobook.htm
23 421 0.03% 58397 0.08% /2.Static/Adler/1.Adler-JP-24/08310HL-La.JPG
24 420 0.03% 69533 0.10% /2.Static/9-Dortmund2024/M38323-Hamu-Lv.jpg
25 419 0.03% 60495 0.08% /2.Static/Adler/1.Adler-JP-24/T22891-Lv.jpg
26 414 0.03% 63956 0.09% /2.Static/Adler/1.Adler-JP-24/P50684-Lv.jpg
27 413 0.03% 41942 0.06% /2.StaticEloks/T22105-Lv.JPG
28 412 0.03% 49026 0.07% /2.Static/Xtra2M3/R41230-3-Lv.JPG
29 411 0.03% 52231 0.07% /2.Static/Xtra2M3/Riv5201-Lv32.JPG
30 410 0.03% 170576 0.23% /1.Agenda/20230912A.jpg

Top 10 of 50749 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 255780 18.53% 811378 1.11% /
2 1104 0.08% 552395 0.76% /1.Agenda/20220122E1400.jpg
3 17 0.00% 503217 0.69% /1.ADLER/Adler-N2024.pdf
4 14 0.00% 285359 0.39% /50.Journal/Water/20200615.mp4
5 559 0.04% 255111 0.35% /1.Agenda/20220122A.jpg
6 354 0.03% 235725 0.32% /50.Journal/0.Adler/1.LindauFence/FB-20240602.png
7 410 0.03% 170576 0.23% /1.Agenda/20230912A.jpg
8 357 0.03% 166208 0.23% /2.Static/Adler/1.Adler-JP-24/DIT-Gm-OnMap.jpg
9 345 0.02% 152621 0.21% /2024/S20240405E.jpg
10 368 0.03% 150173 0.21% /5Katalog/Metakit-Kalender/2002-0.jpg

Top 10 of 14314 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 255780 18.53% 3191 5.13% /
2 132 0.01% 1611 2.59% /stats/
3 850 0.06% 415 0.67% /Inhalt0.htm
4 429 0.03% 331 0.53% /index~fotobook.htm
5 467 0.03% 249 0.40% /2.StaticEloks/0.AltbauEloks.htm
6 297 0.02% 240 0.39% /2.Static/01.Static~89-96.htm
7 548 0.04% 234 0.38% /Agenda.htm
8 448 0.03% 224 0.36% /index~trains.htm
9 46 0.00% 207 0.33% /stats/usage_201409.html
10 382 0.03% 199 0.32% /7Epochen/Epochen.htm

Top 10 of 14445 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 255780 18.53% 2925 4.67% /
2 132 0.01% 1619 2.58% /stats/
3 548 0.04% 370 0.59% /Agenda.htm
4 429 0.03% 303 0.48% /index~fotobook.htm
5 850 0.06% 286 0.46% /Inhalt0.htm
6 467 0.03% 262 0.42% /2.StaticEloks/0.AltbauEloks.htm
7 297 0.02% 240 0.38% /2.Static/01.Static~89-96.htm
8 46 0.00% 202 0.32% /stats/usage_201409.html
9 816 0.06% 196 0.31% /indexB.htm
10 382 0.03% 194 0.31% /7Epochen/Epochen.htm

Top 30 of 19708 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 505450 36.62% 252589 29.66% 904045 1.24% 37 0.05%
2 40157 2.91% 40054 4.70% 5267602 7.21% 3 0.00%
3 22066 1.60% 20392 2.39% 3506296 4.80% 122 0.18%
4 13295 0.96% 0 0.00% 5959 0.01% 53 0.08%
5 13097 0.95% 10989 1.29% 219760 0.30% 576 0.84%
6 8065 0.58% 0 0.00% 3607 0.00% 4 0.01%
7 7967 0.58% 7904 0.93% 998196 1.37% 64 0.09%
8 6781 0.49% 6151 0.72% 89650 0.12% 64 0.09%
9 6701 0.49% 6095 0.72% 75291 0.10% 74 0.11%
10 6399 0.46% 5823 0.68% 89547 0.12% 66 0.10%
11 5905 0.43% 5056 0.59% 851371 1.16% 82 0.12%
12 5493 0.40% 0 0.00% 2639 0.00% 160 0.23%
13 5341 0.39% 2659 0.31% 5099 0.01% 1 0.00%
14 4674 0.34% 0 0.00% 1079 0.00% 209 0.30%
15 4579 0.33% 1884 0.22% 144252 0.20% 252 0.37%
16 3963 0.29% 3963 0.47% 618208 0.85% 1 0.00%
17 3948 0.29% 3841 0.45% 952404 1.30% 1 0.00%
18 3853 0.28% 548 0.06% 10921 0.01% 41 0.06%
19 3770 0.27% 0 0.00% 1811 0.00% 3 0.00%
20 3045 0.22% 2185 0.26% 176000 0.24% 29 0.04%
21 2998 0.22% 2998 0.35% 287046 0.39% 2 0.00%
22 2962 0.21% 1528 0.18% 113099 0.15% 306 0.45%
23 2911 0.21% 2907 0.34% 489718 0.67% 6 0.01%
24 2844 0.21% 2837 0.33% 448217 0.61% 10 0.01%
25 2707 0.20% 2707 0.32% 440815 0.60% 5 0.01%
26 2678 0.19% 2669 0.31% 429030 0.59% 8 0.01%
27 2411 0.17% 1639 0.19% 121191 0.17% 66 0.10%
28 2235 0.16% 1096 0.13% 74549 0.10% 339 0.49%
29 2203 0.16% 2094 0.25% 110001 0.15% 23 0.03%
30 2159 0.16% 1454 0.17% 103191 0.14% 74 0.11%

Top 10 of 19708 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 40157 2.91% 40054 4.70% 5267602 7.21% 3 0.00%
2 22066 1.60% 20392 2.39% 3506296 4.80% 122 0.18%
3 7967 0.58% 7904 0.93% 998196 1.37% 64 0.09%
4 3948 0.29% 3841 0.45% 952404 1.30% 1 0.00%
5 505450 36.62% 252589 29.66% 904045 1.24% 37 0.05%
6 5905 0.43% 5056 0.59% 851371 1.16% 82 0.12%
7 3963 0.29% 3963 0.47% 618208 0.85% 1 0.00%
8 2911 0.21% 2907 0.34% 489718 0.67% 6 0.01%
9 1564 0.11% 1561 0.18% 478059 0.65% 2 0.00%
10 2844 0.21% 2837 0.33% 448217 0.61% 10 0.01%

Top 30 of 21905 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 434035 31.45% - (Direct Request)
2 98007 7.10%
3 97995 7.10%
4 97994 7.10%
5 97946 7.10%
6 97941 7.10% https://xn--b1aap1a7d.xn--80adxhks/
7 34226 2.48%
8 24003 1.74%
9 17375 1.26%
10 17369 1.26%
11 13817 1.00%
12 9263 0.67%
13 8252 0.60%
14 8127 0.59%
15 8068 0.58%
16 7121 0.52%
17 6604 0.48%
18 6076 0.44%
19 5514 0.40%
20 5397 0.39%
21 5379 0.39%
22 5041 0.37%
23 4866 0.35%
24 4776 0.35%
25 4408 0.32%
26 4350 0.32%
27 4069 0.29%
28 3619 0.26%
29 3333 0.24%
30 3326 0.24%

Top 9 of 9 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 5 18.52%
2 5 18.52%
3 4 14.81%
4 4 14.81%
5 3 11.11%
6 2 7.41%
7 2 7.41%
8 1 3.70%
9 1 3.70%

Top 15 of 7224 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 49111 3.56% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
2 41944 3.04% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
3 39298 2.85% Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)
4 36869 2.67% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
5 34070 2.47% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
6 25712 1.86% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:127.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/127.0
7 24150 1.75% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:126.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/126.0
8 22324 1.62% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
9 20615 1.49% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
10 20174 1.46% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
11 19893 1.44% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
12 17804 1.29% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/125.0.6422.175 Mobile
13 16114 1.17% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
14 16019 1.16% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
15 14785 1.07% Googlebot-Image/1.0

Usage by Country for June 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 1380213 100.00% 853508 100.24% 73094435 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23