Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: November 2014
Generated 01-Dec-2014 00:10 CET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for November 2014
Total Hits 760562
Total Files 692548
Total Pages 187940
Total Visits 26240
Total KBytes 65325744
Total Unique Sites 22247
Total Unique URLs 27583
Total Unique Referrers 14933
Total Unique User Agents 2313
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1056 10379
Hits per Day 25352 46143
Files per Day 23084 35877
Pages per Day 6264 16752
Visits per Day 874 1128
KBytes per Day 2177525 2964834
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 15
Code 200 - OK 692548
Code 206 - Partial Content 3514
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 27
Code 304 - Not Modified 45035
Code 404 - Not Found 17813
Code 412 - Precondition Failed 180
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 1430

Daily usage for November 2014

Daily Statistics for November 2014
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 36687 4.82% 35814 5.17% 11231 5.98% 889 3.39% 796 3.58% 2964834 4.54%
2 22452 2.95% 21550 3.11% 5373 2.86% 874 3.33% 909 4.09% 1997356 3.06%
3 24911 3.28% 23595 3.41% 6058 3.22% 904 3.45% 887 3.99% 2261249 3.46%
4 24249 3.19% 22639 3.27% 5045 2.68% 714 2.72% 871 3.92% 2149252 3.29%
5 25458 3.35% 23646 3.41% 5135 2.73% 811 3.09% 1196 5.38% 2238355 3.43%
6 21907 2.88% 20103 2.90% 4098 2.18% 710 2.71% 1083 4.87% 1996790 3.06%
7 19062 2.51% 17928 2.59% 4399 2.34% 698 2.66% 1110 4.99% 1741108 2.67%
8 23911 3.14% 22304 3.22% 3823 2.03% 661 2.52% 1112 5.00% 2394772 3.67%
9 27827 3.66% 26448 3.82% 3625 1.93% 586 2.23% 1053 4.73% 2876577 4.40%
10 19371 2.55% 18053 2.61% 4067 2.16% 846 3.22% 1091 4.90% 1797614 2.75%
11 23976 3.15% 22846 3.30% 4370 2.33% 923 3.52% 1037 4.66% 2346999 3.59%
12 20866 2.74% 19840 2.86% 4552 2.42% 987 3.76% 1080 4.85% 1957104 3.00%
13 19457 2.56% 18547 2.68% 4216 2.24% 879 3.35% 1110 4.99% 1794310 2.75%
14 24527 3.22% 23012 3.32% 3901 2.08% 794 3.03% 1124 5.05% 2376944 3.64%
15 24963 3.28% 23302 3.36% 5482 2.92% 884 3.37% 1277 5.74% 2249280 3.44%
16 30369 3.99% 27966 4.04% 5470 2.91% 1128 4.30% 1500 6.74% 2655206 4.06%
17 46143 6.07% 30394 4.39% 14433 7.68% 1004 3.83% 1316 5.92% 2505059 3.83%
18 28859 3.79% 27220 3.93% 8515 4.53% 900 3.43% 1217 5.47% 2371680 3.63%
19 22769 2.99% 19980 2.88% 4552 2.42% 876 3.34% 1191 5.35% 2064681 3.16%
20 19718 2.59% 18039 2.60% 4973 2.65% 868 3.31% 1117 5.02% 1780108 2.72%
21 20002 2.63% 18735 2.71% 4642 2.47% 806 3.07% 986 4.43% 1798795 2.75%
22 20489 2.69% 18783 2.71% 5984 3.18% 979 3.73% 1219 5.48% 1632008 2.50%
23 26391 3.47% 25297 3.65% 6444 3.43% 1046 3.99% 1238 5.56% 2349071 3.60%
24 23694 3.12% 22193 3.20% 6278 3.34% 1016 3.87% 1178 5.30% 1936840 2.96%
25 24842 3.27% 23626 3.41% 5736 3.05% 996 3.80% 1149 5.16% 2238338 3.43%
26 22732 2.99% 21580 3.12% 5640 3.00% 925 3.53% 982 4.41% 2063261 3.16%
27 22408 2.95% 21276 3.07% 5960 3.17% 932 3.55% 1103 4.96% 1996271 3.06%
28 29438 3.87% 24173 3.49% 11471 6.10% 1045 3.98% 1159 5.21% 2136619 3.27%
29 42561 5.60% 35877 5.18% 16752 8.91% 917 3.49% 1147 5.16% 2803137 4.29%
30 20523 2.70% 17782 2.57% 5715 3.04% 877 3.34% 980 4.41% 1852125 2.84%

Hourly usage for November 2014

Hourly Statistics for November 2014
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 922 27686 3.64% 856 25704 3.71% 212 6379 3.39% 85074 2552206 3.91%
1 509 15296 2.01% 460 13824 2.00% 178 5348 2.85% 42376 1271269 1.95%
2 414 12434 1.63% 359 10777 1.56% 172 5169 2.75% 28080 842399 1.29%
3 491 14741 1.94% 427 12810 1.85% 180 5410 2.88% 37925 1137745 1.74%
4 490 14726 1.94% 431 12953 1.87% 183 5493 2.92% 36429 1092871 1.67%
5 398 11959 1.57% 342 10279 1.48% 165 4970 2.64% 26222 786658 1.20%
6 412 12389 1.63% 358 10765 1.55% 175 5262 2.80% 29442 883249 1.35%
7 543 16313 2.14% 463 13917 2.01% 203 6108 3.25% 38480 1154397 1.77%
8 797 23920 3.15% 716 21493 3.10% 239 7173 3.82% 64099 1922976 2.94%
9 1235 37055 4.87% 1156 34697 5.01% 400 12017 6.39% 94821 2844636 4.35%
10 1171 35154 4.62% 1106 33205 4.79% 291 8740 4.65% 104266 3127983 4.79%
11 1164 34923 4.59% 1095 32874 4.75% 243 7307 3.89% 109499 3284969 5.03%
12 1389 41670 5.48% 1310 39314 5.68% 367 11016 5.86% 117964 3538924 5.42%
13 1216 36506 4.80% 1135 34052 4.92% 294 8825 4.70% 104643 3139287 4.81%
14 1256 37688 4.96% 1168 35046 5.06% 245 7368 3.92% 116195 3485839 5.34%
15 1213 36418 4.79% 1131 33950 4.90% 241 7239 3.85% 114658 3439730 5.27%
16 1274 38229 5.03% 1192 35788 5.17% 236 7080 3.77% 120381 3611443 5.53%
17 1328 39869 5.24% 1242 37288 5.38% 256 7687 4.09% 122507 3675213 5.63%
18 1200 36021 4.74% 1113 33410 4.82% 284 8537 4.54% 105315 3159438 4.84%
19 1861 55838 7.34% 1520 45621 6.59% 395 11878 6.32% 150253 4507577 6.90%
20 1777 53317 7.01% 1574 47243 6.82% 442 13273 7.06% 147471 4424133 6.77%
21 1576 47293 6.22% 1418 42542 6.14% 316 9495 5.05% 136438 4093151 6.27%
22 1496 44882 5.90% 1367 41038 5.93% 271 8140 4.33% 137102 4113053 6.30%
23 1207 36235 4.76% 1131 33958 4.90% 267 8026 4.27% 107887 3236598 4.95%

Top 30 of 27583 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 26991 3.55% 276825 0.42% /stats/
2 14686 1.93% 604169 0.92% /stats/usage_201409.html
3 8113 1.07% 952480 1.46% /13.Oldies/MarklinModelbaan18.jpg
4 6467 0.85% 13371 0.02% /
5 5878 0.77% 771444 1.18% /Guestbook.htm
6 4689 0.62% 1910 0.00% /favicon.ico
7 2338 0.31% 3020 0.00% /arttilea.jpg
8 2338 0.31% 87586 0.13% /stats/usage_201402.html
9 1684 0.22% 9779 0.01% /logos/Photos_by_Osterthun_3.gif
10 1315 0.17% 1761 0.00% /2a.models01-19/arttilea.jpg
11 1233 0.16% 2769 0.00% /Inhalt0.htm
12 1149 0.15% 38441 0.06% /stats/usage_201404.html
13 1068 0.14% 59387 0.09% /0Laenderbahnen/Gueterwagen/2. pics~kuehlwagen/T24102N.jpg
14 1020 0.13% 312208 0.48% /4Einsatz/DB~41.356/M37927-CB-8d.JPG
15 962 0.13% 144897 0.22% /2.Static/01~39010.jpg
16 922 0.12% 148384 0.23% /pics~index/P4.2index-ret.jpg
17 916 0.12% 1217 0.00% /indexB.htm
18 886 0.12% 4549 0.01% /Agenda.htm
19 886 0.12% 1213 0.00% /logos/flag_gb.gif
20 885 0.12% 1192 0.00% /logos/flag_de.gif
21 831 0.11% 133110 0.20% /4Einsatz/PreussP8/M37031-7.JPG
22 824 0.11% 11381 0.02% /4Einsatz/DB~01.147/DB~01.147.htm
23 753 0.10% 128993 0.20% /4Einsatz/Baden~1002/BadIVh.JPG
24 706 0.09% 24274 0.04% /stats/usage_201403.html
25 671 0.09% 156501 0.24% /2.Static/Xtra2/B40399-RvFrt.JPG
26 639 0.08% 51409 0.08% /2.StaticGisbert/R63341.JPG
27 631 0.08% 770 0.00% /2d.models60-79/arttilea.jpg
28 604 0.08% 3422 0.01% /logos/Oldenburg.gif
29 602 0.08% 413 0.00% /logos/drg.gif
30 599 0.08% 104538 0.16% /2.Static/Xtra2/F409404-Lv.JPG

Top 10 of 27583 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 8113 1.07% 952480 1.46% /13.Oldies/MarklinModelbaan18.jpg
2 5878 0.77% 771444 1.18% /Guestbook.htm
3 14686 1.93% 604169 0.92% /stats/usage_201409.html
4 1020 0.13% 312208 0.48% /4Einsatz/DB~41.356/M37927-CB-8d.JPG
5 26991 3.55% 276825 0.42% /stats/
6 308 0.04% 158561 0.24% /4Einsatz/JacqDamen/143.jpg
7 671 0.09% 156501 0.24% /2.Static/Xtra2/B40399-RvFrt.JPG
8 349 0.05% 149573 0.23% /2.Static/Xtra2/B40208-LvFrt.JPG
9 922 0.12% 148384 0.23% /pics~index/P4.2index-ret.jpg
10 962 0.13% 144897 0.22% /2.Static/01~39010.jpg

Top 10 of 5695 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 6467 0.85% 2388 9.49% /
2 5878 0.77% 1744 6.93% /Guestbook.htm
3 14686 1.93% 1459 5.80% /stats/usage_201409.html
4 26991 3.55% 633 2.52% /stats/
5 1233 0.16% 344 1.37% /Inhalt0.htm
6 886 0.12% 303 1.20% /Agenda.htm
7 2338 0.31% 288 1.14% /stats/usage_201402.html
8 824 0.11% 282 1.12% /4Einsatz/DB~01.147/DB~01.147.htm
9 285 0.04% 255 1.01% /2a.models01-19/static.15.001~bay3201-B40399-Rv.htm
10 457 0.06% 234 0.93% /2.StaticEloks/0.AltbauEloks.htm

Top 10 of 6093 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 6467 0.85% 2316 9.22% /
2 5878 0.77% 1619 6.45% /Guestbook.htm
3 14686 1.93% 1066 4.25% /stats/usage_201409.html
4 26991 3.55% 563 2.24% /stats/
5 886 0.12% 445 1.77% /Agenda.htm
6 401 0.05% 341 1.36% /0Laenderbahnen/Gueterwagen/2. bierwagen.meckl.htm
7 824 0.11% 276 1.10% /4Einsatz/DB~01.147/DB~01.147.htm
8 2338 0.31% 242 0.96% /stats/usage_201402.html
9 457 0.06% 236 0.94% /2.StaticEloks/0.AltbauEloks.htm
10 394 0.05% 208 0.83% /2.Static/01.Static~13-19.htm

Top 30 of 22247 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 20681 2.72% 6787 0.98% 104300 0.16% 32 0.12%
2 17604 2.31% 16133 2.33% 949116 1.45% 4 0.02%
3 16680 2.19% 16680 2.41% 187437 0.29% 48 0.18%
4 13142 1.73% 13083 1.89% 791331 1.21% 2 0.01%
5 12191 1.60% 9263 1.34% 728067 1.11% 100 0.38%
6 7129 0.94% 7129 1.03% 73475 0.11% 35 0.13%
7 6108 0.80% 6108 0.88% 228889 0.35% 35 0.13%
8 6078 0.80% 4290 0.62% 64573 0.10% 277 1.06%
9 5508 0.72% 0 0.00% 3079 0.00% 138 0.53%
10 4802 0.63% 4663 0.67% 553645 0.85% 10 0.04%
11 4581 0.60% 4581 0.66% 171809 0.26% 444 1.69%
12 4143 0.54% 4132 0.60% 472281 0.72% 2 0.01%
13 4108 0.54% 1781 0.26% 6986 0.01% 163 0.62%
14 3968 0.52% 1763 0.25% 8549 0.01% 170 0.65%
15 3943 0.52% 1746 0.25% 5964 0.01% 163 0.62%
16 3191 0.42% 3127 0.45% 368836 0.56% 14 0.05%
17 3122 0.41% 3101 0.45% 3848 0.01% 7 0.03%
18 2982 0.39% 2982 0.43% 354021 0.54% 12 0.05%
19 2909 0.38% 0 0.00% 1626 0.00% 6 0.02%
20 2894 0.38% 2892 0.42% 322941 0.49% 5 0.02%
21 2546 0.33% 2536 0.37% 277028 0.42% 8 0.03%
22 2524 0.33% 1895 0.27% 210917 0.32% 12 0.05%
23 2506 0.33% 0 0.00% 1401 0.00% 347 1.32%
24 2328 0.31% 2326 0.34% 269379 0.41% 3 0.01%
25 2317 0.30% 2317 0.33% 266230 0.41% 7 0.03%
26 2255 0.30% 5 0.00% 918 0.00% 0 0.00%
27 2246 0.30% 2010 0.29% 176160 0.27% 258 0.98%
28 2120 0.28% 2120 0.31% 63614 0.10% 465 1.77%
29 1993 0.26% 1986 0.29% 209207 0.32% 23 0.09%
30 1955 0.26% 1680 0.24% 169077 0.26% 9 0.03%

Top 10 of 22247 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 17604 2.31% 16133 2.33% 949116 1.45% 4 0.02%
2 13142 1.73% 13083 1.89% 791331 1.21% 2 0.01%
3 12191 1.60% 9263 1.34% 728067 1.11% 100 0.38%
4 4802 0.63% 4663 0.67% 553645 0.85% 10 0.04%
5 4143 0.54% 4132 0.60% 472281 0.72% 2 0.01%
6 3191 0.42% 3127 0.45% 368836 0.56% 14 0.05%
7 2982 0.39% 2982 0.43% 354021 0.54% 12 0.05%
8 2894 0.38% 2892 0.42% 322941 0.49% 5 0.02%
9 2546 0.33% 2536 0.37% 277028 0.42% 8 0.03%
10 2328 0.31% 2326 0.34% 269379 0.41% 3 0.01%

Top 30 of 14933 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 105977 13.93% - (Direct Request)
2 42219 5.55%
3 40270 5.29%
4 39658 5.21%
5 29487 3.88%
6 28287 3.72%
7 19982 2.63%
8 18947 2.49%
9 17628 2.32%
10 17531 2.31%
11 16232 2.13%
12 16120 2.12%
13 9866 1.30%
14 8644 1.14%
15 8525 1.12%
16 7904 1.04%
17 7309 0.96%
18 7171 0.94%
19 6398 0.84%
20 6354 0.84%
21 5641 0.74%
22 5258 0.69%
23 4812 0.63%
24 4522 0.59%
25 4079 0.54%
26 4079 0.54%
27 3932 0.52%
28 3564 0.47%
29 3452 0.45%
30 3319 0.44%

Top 20 of 179 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 7 0.99%
2 7 0.99%
3 7 0.99%
4 7 0.99%
5 7 0.99%
6 7 0.99%
7 7 0.99%
8 7 0.99%
9 7 0.99%
10 7 0.99%
11 7 0.99%
12 7 0.99%
13 7 0.99%
14 7 0.99%
15 7 0.99%
16 7 0.99%
17 7 0.99%
18 7 0.99%
19 7 0.99%
20 7 0.99%

Top 15 of 2313 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 72718 9.56% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 F
2 70070 9.21% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML
3 51359 6.75% Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)
4 45884 6.03% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) lik
5 23850 3.14% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML
6 22016 2.89% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
7 20435 2.69% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
8 20013 2.63% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.
9 19377 2.55% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
10 18458 2.43% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
11 17852 2.35% Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 8_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.
12 13597 1.79% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/
13 11987 1.58% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
14 11358 1.49% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 F
15 10372 1.36% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/

Usage by Country for November 2014

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 760562 100.00% 696062 100.51% 65325744 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01