R e n o v a t i o n  J o u r n a l






When I started building the Cochemer Bahn in 1992, I wanted to use the Faller town hall - an exclusive construction kit also from 1992 - as the center of the city.

I had in mind to place this spacious staircase at the front.

These stairs were part of an exclusive entrepreneurial villa, of which Pola produced a limited number of 2000 pieces (ref. H0 822).



However, the combination did not work out with the platform along the track, which was almost immediately at the foot of the stairs.

I found this so out of balance that this staircase gathered dust for at least three decades.



Untill... 2023!



During various discussions with Jimmy Low regarding the layout of the Royal Square or Court Garden, he came up with the idea of a Lustgarten, a garden for royalties to relax there.

In his design he placed it directly next to the slope (see picture).


However, the access road from the city also had to be located here.

For that reason I have decided to create a small courtyard at this location, with access to the market,

while the Lustgarten itself, now in a much larger dimension, will be located on the south side of the Royal Square.
































Today, I had a conversation with Adler Modellbahnmanufaktur, considering the Royal Fence.

I was rightly advised to level the stairs with the cobblestones at the top, because otherwise the fence would not fit. 

I cut out two wide steps from the same cardboard as the base plate, provided them with a tile profile and colored them similar.
The stairs are increasingly taking on a 'noble' appearance.





Fit to the tenth of a millimeter


In the meantime we have also started working on the lime tree








Today I had a lengthy consultation with Markus Böhm regarding the purpose and function of the Lustgarten.

For one reason or another, I completely lost my inspiration and focus regarding the layout of it.

Do we allow commoners in the garden or not?  Is it a transit area or a rest area? 

The fountain (Noch 66455 ) has alas traveled to oblivion, so... now what?!



14.11.2023 ~ the led piece was needed to pushing down two beams that came up


Just like with Stift Cochem, I have to follow my gut feeling regarding the layout of the Lustgarten.

You know more or less what you want, but even with constant changes to the layout

 - hedge here, hedge there -

the "aha" moment was not forthcoming at all today.

Then again, these things need time and consideration
Untill Markus came up with this splendid idea of a pavilion and sent me this photo:


Busch 1578


I loved the idea, but the dome roof really put me off.

Until I pondered... what if... ?


And yes sir, after sending a message to Adler Modellbahnmanufaktur, I received a positive response within the hour.

Adler had previously had a pavilion in mind.


Therefore, my idea was received with great enthusiasm and the next morning I saw Adler's first sketches, which had taken more than four hours of work:





A special report about the Pavilion in Chapter 6 of the Adler Files



However, as far as the edges of the Lustgarten were concerned, I was convinced: it would certainly be a hedge of lime trees!


As I was taking measurements, it happened - without prior knowledge or planning -

that spacing the posts by 3 centimeters each yielded exactly four sets of 5 posts, ending right in the corners.
To prevent dullness and to create sight lines (so-called vistas), I not only left the corner open,

but in both sets I also added an opening in the middle of the guide limestones on both the south and east sides.


Stones from the Wehrgang (such as from set Faller 130401) are usd to separate the boxwood hedges and avoid monotony.








The gardeners are consistent in their work. Therefore, all branches must be pruned to the same height.




But unlike these lime trees, the posts are now not painted wood-colored but immediately provided with a vegetative coating. 















After drying overnight, the lindens could be made.






Handles have been added to prevent royalties from ending up in the moat... 



These are those decisive - and never correctable - moments: gluing a unit such as this staircase.








Two days ago I thought I would place the 16th and last gas lantern exactly opposite the center of both the stairs

and the entrance to the Pulverturm, on the spot where  the yellow screwdriver was planted.
However, today I decided to place it at the beginning of the ramp, exactly in line with the lanterns at the stairway.










To be continued




Frits Osterthun © 15.11.2023

Last update: 26.11.2023