R e n o v a t i o n  J o u r n a l


Market Square





44.1 ~ Planning

(16 July, 2023) 


I debated for a long time how I would fill the space behind the castle.

Another building? A continuation of the city wall?

Either way, any building would obscure the view of the vineyard beyond.


Until I had an idea: a market. And not just any market, no: the Meistertrunk of Rothenburg ob der Tauber.
But then one that takes place in 1912.



44.2 ~ The Rear Wall

(August 30, 2023)



One thing was clear from the start: the rear city wall would not reach ground level (as in the picture above), because it would then disappear behind the city.

That did raise some questions.

Will it just be a foundation or will there be a walkway where people can walk? And if so, how do you get up? With a staircase or a ramp?

What order do the wall parts get? All in all, the necessary things that slow down the process, making it all the more difficult.

But as it goes: the effect of the whole has now become a lot more attractive and afterwards I am happy with the decision made.



I was already planning to make the top of the wall higher than the base of the bottom plate behind it.

Then the thought came up: why not stage lighting behind that edge to illuminate the city wall idyllically?

This will be the fourth time I use this effect, after Cochemer Burg, Lindau Rathaus and Stift Cochem.

But I'm getting ahead of the story now...













As I did before with the Torque Tower, so also here:

draw a door in the styrodur wall plate, cut it out and then place a door (saved remnants of Faller construction sets). 






The base plate is provided with a coat of paint (slate).



44.3 ~ Illumination

(August 30, 2023)

























44.4 ~ Transition between West Road and Market

(July 29, 22023) 


















44.5 ~ Fitting the cobblestone plates

(July 7, 2023) 



"31/7" (2023) 






























44.6 ~ Positioning the Gaslanterns

(August 2, 2023)




I asked Julian for suggestions considering the position of the Lampposts. He returned my picture with red dots. 

One day later I tried to position with sweets...



















44.7 ~ A luminous insight

(August 11, 2023)


A balanced construction and filling of the market square requires a lot of consideration.

Three themes will be addressed anyway:

* Most of the market square will be filled with market stalls and carts,

* I also want space for the parade of horses and musicians,

* And finally, the beer garden must be placed somewhere where people can rest, enjoy beer and wine,

but where people can also dance in traditional costumes (I already have the Preiserlein).
Not to mention the other medieval activities, such as sword fighting, a man with a dancing bear, farm country life, and whatever else comes to mind.


And then on Friday, August 11, the idea suddenly occurred to me to make a platform of balsa wood, which can be easily built up in the space between the market and the city wall.

A perfect place for dancing (on a wooden floor, better than on cobblestones) and at the same time a terrace can be made here with tables and chairs. 


As I wrote on FB these days:

The market master and chairman of the festivities committee focused on making a platform and decking today.

During the upcoming Meistertrunk you can sit down to relax, enjoy dancing in traditional costume and medieval games.

In the meantime, we may enjoy a glass of wine, 'ein Maß Bier und Bratwurst'.



















14.8.2023 ~ elevation with 2 balsa planks of the gap between cobblestones and decking. 



15.8.2023 ~ thinned lasur coating added



In October 2023, real work began on the market place,

in particular the back wall á la Rothenburg ob der Tauber, as well as the area around the market.







Time to focus on the 'Oktoberfest' aka 'Mittelalter/Rothenburger Festivities!

I the 4th shipment (22.2.2023) I ordered these sets with tabels and chairs.

I can already imagine how people will soon be drinking beer, dancing, making music and having fun here.  







Two birds with one stone. How do I prevent damage to the cobblestones? And how do I straighten all the chairs and tables?

With a beautiful wooden deck. I can place this anywhere on the market. And the Preiserlein waitresses don't trip over all those stones...





Until now, I had no clue what to do with this strange corner.

The wine press - now in the centre of the market square - does fit most perfectly in between, but in combination with the Auhagen gate it becomes very 'roofy'.
But... where better to stable my horse than at the beginning of the Mittelaltermarkt?



This handmade wall to close the gap? No, too much wall!

Instead, there will be a wooden fence there. Too bad, but still! 


And then, finally, the sanding cold begin (4.10.2023). Starting at the front, working my way to the back...


No winepress here, but 'stabeling' the horses of Mittelaltermarkt visitors






A festivity also includes musicians.

Now I had this set for many years, but anyone who has kept the record of the Renovation Journal, knows that I have housed the chapel in the monastery. 




So, I thought about ordering a new set of Bavarian musicians from Preiser. But the delivery time is currently shockingly long, even several years.
That's why I decided to carefully break off the roof of the monastery (that went well!) and remove the six musicians, chairs and all, through the roof using tweezers.
The fact that one leg broke off and was left on the floor... of course that couldn't happen! The leg was also saved.













On  November 9th, the dirtroad and ramp near the market got vegetation in the edges.

As mentioned earlier, I partly cut open the initially closed wall, so that I could stable the horses of market visitors.









26.11.2023 ~ one tree, two horses, some weeds... a small miniature. 


Since I removed the gatekeeper houses from this location, this staircase appeals to me enormously.

Since both a door and a window have now become visible, I thought lighting was appropriate.




Electrically linked to the stage lights


27.11.2023 | Testing the lighting 


After the stair lighting was tested, a light seam was visible on the side of the castle.

Therefor I applied a mask, and voila.





For the staffing of the Market Square, see: M e i s t e r t r u n k



Frits Osterthun © 13.8.2023

Last update: 16.1.2024