R e n o v a t i o n J o u r n a l
"Der Meistertrunk"
How the
area around Schloss Cochem gets its implementation!
26.2 ~ The Medieval Market or 'Der Meistertrunk'
26.2.1 ~ The Painting
(September 2022)
Ever since I once saw Rothenburg ob der Tauber in 2022 and experienced the 'Meistertrunk' myself on the last day of Pentecost 2022,
the thought has stayed with me to convert a Medieval Feast like this in scale H0 on the Cochemer Bahn.
September was the perfect month to start with it...
No market without fruit and vegetables...
...and no market without stalls either...
Today I was able to lose myself completely in mixing colors that are close to nature, and that, in my opinion, approach the clothing of the Middle Ages.
My visit to the Meistertrunk in Rothenburg ob der Tauber in June 2022 provided sufficient inspiration.
Even though the plastic is already printed in a certain color, each part is still repainted. Besides, I prefer tin mugs to glass.
This Preiserlein Set (12193) - called "At the grocer's shop, around 1900" I bought
- how in the world! -
at a grocer's shop in Rothenburg ob der Tauber
(Inhaber Klaus Endreß, Rödergasse 6)
On September 5th, a box from Lippe was delivered with 7 Gaslaternen and - totally new to me - a 'Zündgerüst' für Gaslaternen.
These gas lanterns will now light up slowly when ignited, and will flicker randomly while burning.
Some weeks later I ordered a seccond Zündgerüst to get more diversity.
26.2.2 ~ Constructing The Medieval Market
(September 2022)
The lady with the beer pitcher (2nd right) will serve real beer with a foam head...
Those mugs are no bigger than 1.3 millimeters
The skyline of the Cochemer Altstadt will change enormously when this new module is ready.
26.2.3 ~ A propos...
(August 11, 2023)
Via FB I received a message from Rolf Reich, in which he offered various Preiser
sets, painted by himself.
One set caught my attention: Mittelaltermarkt.
Since Preiser once offered an unpainted set containing six medieval figures,
which were never released separately, I decided to contact Rolf.
I can always use extra extras on the Mittelaltermarkt and these Preiserlein looked fairly professionally painted.
Lateron, Rolf also offered some suitable attributes, such as shields, tables and so on for the same price of € 15 (additional transportationscost about € 12) in addition to these figures.
Ordered and paid via MBö.
Arrived 11.8.2023
November 29th, 2023, I started to give many Preiserlein a lasur coating
Herolde und Ritter zu Pferd (Preiser 24600) | Landsknechte (Preiser 24601) ~ waiting for over 30 years now...
Almabtrieb (Preiser 10404)
Kampfende Ritter (Preiser 24762) | Rundtanz (Preiser 10241)
The best spot would initially be having them uphill on the ramp, but then the position of their legs won't match.
It's either downhill on the Market Square or on top of the Royal Square itself.
Rundtanz (Preiser 10241)
On December 6, the Preiserlein, intended for the Meistertrunk, was given a layer of lasur.
One of the most time-consuming tasks was organizing the vegetable stalls. All elements must be arranged both logically and naturally.
'Where do you walk, where do you stand, how do you present yourself, where do
people pass by, what are main walkways, where are things in the way...?'
short, this required the most attention and took days.
Initially I thought this edge - just outside the square - was a nice location for the fruit and vegetable stalls.
Which does not alter the fact that I absolutely did not like the central part
around the wine press. That's why I abandoned this idea, no matter how lovely
the scene looks.
The upper reaches near the city wall are also a suitable
place for stalls during the Mittelkaltermarkt. But... I'm short on Preiserlein
and carts.
So... the fruit and vegetable market will eventually be located in the middle of the market square.
Then it's time for the Bavarian dancers to take their place.
I choose two groups of three women, who stand to the side of the three couples in the middle of the dance floor.
This creates a small, balanced scene with table guests on the left, the musicians on the right with room to dance in the middle.
Beer glasses and pewter mugs will fill the tables. A fiddly job indeed...
Ordered online three years ago, finally arrived: Winzerwagen (Preiser 30398, painted on Mauritius)
The ladies dance... so do the gents!
Finally... after three decades, the horses are getting glue under their hooves.
These two sets have been waiting for years, but have now found their final place.
The horses glued with white glue (Weissleim), the rest with industrial superglue
After the parade was glued, I started placing figures everywhere, each of which 'told a story'.
The big story is of course the parade, which attracts many viewers.
Then there are people who make their purchases first and watch the parade later.
After all, they come back into the city from the Royal Square.
traders are talking to each other, children telling their own stories among the
In short, the Meistertrunk is one big story!
There is no need to ask where I got my inspiration from.
My visit to Rothenburg ob der Tauber gave me the perfect impression at the right time!
These shields were purchased from Rolf Reich
23.12.2023 | 28.12.2023
After the parade, the figures and tables around the dance floor were permanently glued in place.
I couldn't give these two waitresses a better place than here.
Needless to say, that the Mittelaltermarkt on the Cochemer Bahn is both inspired by and a tribute to the Meistertrunk,
which I encountered in Rothenburg op der Tauber in June 2022.
6.6.2022 © Frits Osterthun at Rothenburg op der Tauber during the Meistertrunk
On this one but last day I put many Preiserlein on their final place, creating many small scenes and tales...
Each stall will have staff, even if they are not all clearly visible.
Red, white, red, white, red, white... how can it be more Rothenburg than this?!
(Frits Osterthun © 6.6.2022)
Every scene on the Mittelaltermarkt is meticulously thought out, however not quite finished yet.
Today the children can also taste everything for free... that's how it goes during the Meistertrunk!
This terrace only opens in the evening.
And ten days later, with a beautiful winter sunlight in the train room, casting her shadows...
(Neuzugang 5.10.2024)
To my great surprise, Preiser reintroduced the horsemen, drummers, lancers and flute players in 2024 - after about 30 years.
Now not in a 4 plus 6 pack, but each separately.
Remarkably, the background
images in the boxes are all pictures of Rothenburg ob der Tauber.
Preiser perhaps have been inspired by something or someone to reissue these
figures and in this remarkable form? Who knows?
I received them on October 5, 2024 at my dealer's.
Frits Osterthun © 24.9.2022
Last update: 10.2.2025