


Through the Vereinheitlichungsbüro the German railroad company Deutsche Reichsbahn Gesellschaft finished categorizing (Umzeichung) all steam locomotives that were present in Germany in 1926. 

Many locomotives had belonged to and came from the regional lines, the so-called Länderbahnen (1835~1920).

Many more Einheitslokomotiven (newly developed "standard" engines) as well as those build yet ~ the so-called Neubaulokomotiven ~ were added to the roster.


Besides the separate group of branch line and narrow gauge engines (Class 97~99), there were the main categories of locomotives having normal (regular) track (Normalspur or Regelspur).

These locomotives either had an integrated tender, the so-called Tank Locomotives (Class 60~96) or they pulled a tender (Class 01~59). These series were subdivided into locomotives for:



1. Schnellzüge (S)

i.e. high speed trains for service between main stations;


2. Personenzüge (P)

i.e. passenger trains for service between smaller, local stations;


3. Güterzüge (G)

i.e. for freight trains. 


The (t) stands for Tenderlokomotive.


Baureihe 01 - 19

Schnellzuglokomotieven (S)

Baureihe 20 - 39

Personenzuglokomotiven (P)

Baureihe 40 - 59

Güterzuglokomotiven (G)

Baureihe 60 - 79

Schnellzug-/ Personenzug-Tenderlokomotiven (St, Pt)

Baureihe 80 - 96

Güterzugtenderlokomotiven (Gt)

Baureihe 97

Zahnradlokomotiven (Z)

Baureihe 98

Lokalbahnlokomotiven (L)

Baureihe 99

Kleinbahnlokomotiven (K)