R e n o v a t i o n  J o u r n a l



Chapter 5.3 ~ T h e  F r o n t

(May/June 2020)


The final section in need of this years thorough renovation is located in the front, , moreover the section between the ground and first floors.

Starting May 29th...



A first layer of dirt and green...


This section, still in its stripped state, needs special attention, since it's in the front.





I can't do too much here, since I'm still waiting for supplies from my dealer (trees, Seemos, shrubs etc.), that are subject to a delay due to Covid-19



In this little corner I want to have pure cosiness...






The next day, May 30th, I got the idea to place a nice tree in this cavity, where the track bends



The small left-over-pieces of Herbstaue (Busch 1305) were pretty convenient to fix on these three spots.





Finally, some rewarding results, at the beginning of June...  




Three days later, I painted most of the frontal landscape with dry white (sand colour), which gave a better result than only using grains of sand.

I was rather surprised by the effect!





Frits Osterthun © 26.7.2020

Last update: 24.1.2023