R e n o v a t i o n J o u r n a l
Chapter 4.1 ~ F i l m i n g R o y a l t i e s
(March 2020)
Now that the layout is getting more and more allure due to the R e n o v a t i o n,
it is a beautiful environment to use as a film location.
These days I have planned to film the Royal Trains from my collection.
Since I own four out of five trains, I will be quite busy filming, editing and so on in the weeks to come.
1. König Ludwig II. von Bayern (Märklin 2680 & 4396)
2. Prinzregent Luitpold von Bayern (Roco 44811)
3. König Wilhelm II. von Württemberg mit Salonwagen A15 (Roco 44006)
4. Kaiser Wilhelm von Preußen (Märklin 2681)
On March 19th I posted the "König Ludwig Zug" on
The comment on this video was very promising, all together
with 360 views in one day!
Thanks guys!
For the next film I focus on the A15, royal coach of King Wilhelm of Württemberg
A15 ~Roco 44006
Since I want this train to be pulled by the Württemberg C Nr. 2007,
I not only added staff to this locomotive (1988), but also weathered the load of coal.
Since the paint pot was still open, then immediately three at a time.
C & K & C
(3311 / 37059 / 3514)
Frits Osterthun © 17.5.2020
Last update: 24.1.2023