R e n o v a t i o n  J o u r n a l


Royal Square & Ramp



42.1 ~ Planning

(10 July, 2023)


After weeks, no: months of thinking, shuffling, planning and what not

- knowing that when step one has been taken, I have to follow the entire process on that one step

and I can only make a mistake once, which cannot be corrected ever -

I tied the knot on July 28, 2023 and decided to take the leap of faith.

The question for measurements by Adler Modellbau Köln - taking care of the complete fencing - was the deciding factor to continue now.


In the end, the small piece of cobblestones under the Martinstor (essentially the main entrance) was the first part to be glued,

but the centreline of both the eagle (crest) and the slope were all determining factors.

It wasn't until Ramp and Royal Square were centrally lined and glued that I could continue with all other elements.



















42.2 ~ Drilling for Lanterns

(27 July, 2023) 




This is the very first part that is glued, and determines where all other parts will be placed, down to the millimeter.






The drill holes for the lanterns should not be wider than 4 mm, but the holes in the foundation should be spacious enough

to be able to move the square (after gluing) a little and the cables do not get stuck. 








Two days later (July 30), after drying out properly, the base plate itself was glued.

This was not possible without the exact location of Schloss Cochem, because the Martinstor has to connect in all directions down to the millimeter. 



















On November 28th, 2023, I decided it was time to attach all the pinnacles to the roofs and towers.

This also led to some nice shots because of the twilight outside.


Although Schloss Cochem has been ready for over a year, I waited to attach the pinnacles to Schloss Cochem,

and the 7th to the Pulverturm, 'until the coast was clear' and the castle was permanently attached to the module.



From left to right: spare (top, copper),  Rundturm set (copper, below), Pulverturmset (130825) and Bran ( 130820) 









With the evening sun behind the window you can take beautiful atmospheric photos. 



28.11.2023 ~ Small decorations give the skyline more than a subtle change




A beautiful winter sun cast long shadows over the Royal Square on the last but one day of the year 2023!








The Year of Truth and Light


After working on the module for more than 6 months, 2024 was the year of truth.

On January 1, the module was brought into the train room and connected to the Cochemer Bahn.

The main lighting was connected first and on January 3 I took the time (and patience)

to connect each individual plug of the gas lanterns to the Viessmann 'Zündmodul'.


A photo absolutely does not do justice to the atmosphere that is created in the evening, especially when the gas lanterns are lit.

Nevertheless, here's an impression.











Frits Osterthun © 7.8.2023

Last update: 20.4.2024