R e n o v a t i o n J o u r n a l
24.1 ~ N e w P l a t f o r m
Some years ago, a visitor of the Cochemer Bahn pointed out that something in the track plan did not correspond to reality.
Trains coming downhill couldn't stop for boarding or getting off the train,
since a platform near the track or a switch to get on the adjacent track were missing.
I have made the decision to follow his advice, not in the least inspired by the former platform I made at the Endbahnhof,
but also inspired by the thought that the main station might need a more active look.
I will set the platform between the water crane and signal, almost the length of the main platform,
but effected in the old-fashioned way with wooden beams and boards.
I needed a chisel to get rid of the matches and layer of sand which was hard as a rock due to white glue.
The foundation is laid
Wednesday 12.2.2020
The platform was made and a new idea was born
Today I had every opportunity to throw myself undisturbed on the construction of the platform.
But the day began with the cutting of no fewer than 154 beams for the top layer of the platform.
A beautiful platform for King Ludwig II of Bavaria.
Furthermore, there is need of a R a i l r o a d C r o s s i n g.
With Märklin rails there's an extra challenge in it because of the point contacts (puko's).
Fortunately, I found a copper wire that I could use for the current conduction.
Now, since the tracks are bending towards each other, the platform had to become narrower at the left side.
For some reason I miscalculated the length of those beams, as you can see on the next picture.
Now, this kind of things happened several times during the renovation.
My lesson is that due to such errors and mistakes creativity is stimulated and usually lead to something better and more beautiful.
I followed the easy route and thought I could simply place the coal crane on the
platform. Hence the borehole.
However, this morning it turned out that this
crane can never lift a basket high enough to load a tender locomotive.
So, there had to be a raised platform...
This wooden frame, a remnant of the Forsthaus (Busch 1675), suits most perfect as a platform for the coal bunker.
Small branch line locomotives are able to load coal at this small coal bunker now.
Coal baskets were ordered at my dealer's...
The next morning more lasur, white brush and some minor craft and handiwork...
Frits Osterthun © 19.3.2020
Last update: 17.2.2023