R e n o v a t i o n  J o u r n a l



3.6.1 ~ J ä g e r s t a n d



A small kit named "Jägerstand" - Raised Hide, Noch #14341 - which I bought months earlier, was a small gem, which I put together on a remaining evening hour.

I intend to put it either in the yellow grass meadow or on the hill ridge to come. Depending the perspective after I have finished the forest...













My friend Sander, visiting the Cochemer Bahn for the first time, gave me (besides dear praise) two tips:

1. weathering the Jägerstand (too yellow)

2. add some sitting people in the waiting room near the station platform (covered on 6.2.2021)

I immediately took the first advice to heart.




Since it was cardboard, I had to be careful with the thinned acrylic paint. I like this improvement.




3.6.2 ~ S t a i n e d  g l a s s  r e s t o r a t i o n


For some reason I have succeeded in placing three stained glass windows vertically instead of horizontally.

The right ones don't match with the left ones, as a dear friend pointed out to me watching my site!




Today I fixed it!





Frits Osterthun © 19.3.2020

Last update: 24.1.2023