R e n o v a t i o n  J o u r n a l



2.6.1 ~ T h e  W a t e r f a l l

(December 8, 2019)


To me, the most difficult thing to make in scale... WATER!

Therefor I left this part of the layout for many many years untouched...



After some 25 years I can't run away for it anymore. So... 

31 October 2019... as it has been for decades, left the recent blue painting...



A friend gave me this box of fine hoggin... fair enough for my waterfall


And on Saturday 8 December I began 'unfolding' the waterfall. To begin with toilet paper, glue and grit... 




Some trees were removed for not being hindered and hedged during the job


Selecting the right pieces of grit





Can you imagine, that only 8 months ago this site looked like this...??




2.6.2 ~ P a i n t i n g  t h e  W a t e r f a l l

(December 11, 2019)







In the afternoon I paid attention to the Lower fall.

I started with cutting away most of the styrofoam downstream in order to gain more width and depth of the brook


Oops... cutting too enthusiastically at the right side...

But... flaws are messages to stirr imagination! Hence, a new river bed is created! 





Now it needs some 72 hours for drying, before painting. And another 72 hours for applying the water materials.

Also waiting for a friend to come, who will bring scaled rocks for this part of the stream!



Frits Osterthun © 2019

Last update: 23.1.2023