R e n o v a t i o n  J o u r n a l 



2.1 ~ The Rock

(Saturday 8.9.2019)


In the Autumn of 2019, I continued 'foresting' the Cochemer Bahn.

To begin with the Rock...




Not far away from the station, there's this little rock formation, which is the next step in my Renovation Plan.

It appears like the bow of a ship and - like the water of the ocean is being divided - this rock splits the track into two directions.

I never paid much attention to this part, although there were plans.

But as it goes... "once" in effect always ends with "never".


U N T I L  N O W !



This is how it looked for many years (4.6.2002 to be precise), desolate in one word...



Now, before I could start this morning with the forest on top of the rock,

I noticed that one part of the tunnel has never had any revetment, since it was 'out of sight'.

So that's the first thing to begin with.



A preformed piece of Styrofoam...



With the familiar treatment of Heki Lasurfarbe, yellow-brown painting and finally some dry brush off-white, it's done in less than half an hour.



And then, off we go to...



For many years the rock only showed a ground coating...



White glue on the intended area...



... and after a layer of bottom vegetation has been applied, the first tree can be planted. It's a beautiful Conifer.

Even if I have made some thirty trees in the past few days waiting to be planted, only five of them were appropriate for this section.



Since Seemoos has many trees in the box with only one proper looking side,

whereas the back side is rather flat and pressed, either by natural growth or by pressure in the box,

 like in real nature, one can use two or three elements to make one bush or tree by putting them together.

So, this second tree consists of two pieces.



Shrubs and bushes fill in the gaps.



With fine-grained poly fibre (Noch, Heki), stretched to the utmost, detailing starts here!

See the fine shrubs hanging from the edge of the wall. Well, hardly to be seen, but they're there alright.




From above it looks like this...



Now, there's still this small strip at the bottom of the rock and adjacent triangle piece of land between the tracks at the right.

They both need attention as well to finish the rock as a whole.




By the way, that little bush at the right, next to the locomotive, consist of no less than 9 pieces alone...

Now, that's more like it!  

Finally, the Württemberg Fc 626 'Bopser' is approaching the new domain...



All pictures taken on 7.9.2019



Frits Osterthun © 2019

Last update: 22.1.2023