R e n o v a t i o n J o u r n a l
Altländer Haus
(Faller 130581 | Neuheit 2024)
30.5.2024 - Arrived together with the Abbey (130827)
4.1 | The idea
The Faller News 2024 showed the Altänder Haus (130581) as a color variant on the Hallenhaus.
The only deviation was that the roof now had a sloping side on both sides, in addition to a particularly attractive colour scheme.
At the Dortmund Intermodellbau 2024, I photographed both models (N2023 and N2024) on the display at the Faller stand at the fair,
knowing that this model would be on the Cochemer Bahn. I had already ordered it from Faller in January, along with the Abtei.
18.4.2024 at Dortmund Intermodellbau
4.2 | Unboxing
4.3 | Painting
'Pale Sand' as primer for the Fachwerk
4.4 | Patinierung
4.5 | Constructing
Adding some pale sand in the jointing | 6.6.2024
4.6 | Finishing up things
This manual has the same typo as the Hallenhaus. After reporting it, I got an email back with additional correction...
The same applies to the two horse heads, which are of unequal size:
My manual...
... and the correction
4.7 | Result
4.8 | A propos
Two days later, after my posting on FB, this post was on the Faller Mainpage on Facebook:
I'm truly honored!
Frits Osterthun © 12.6.2024
Last update: 12.6.2024