R e n o v a t i o n  J o u r n a l 


1.6.1 ~ O n c e  u p o n  a  t i m e...

 My very first tree and the first 'green' park!  Not anymore!

(July 10,  2019)



In 1992 the very first handmade tree appeared on my layout. This 'huge' oak tree - I guess - was made of a bonsai tree!

The green stuff - meant for leaves - were plain clumps of Woodland foliage.



It served! But now for real!



Here's the park at the left, opposite the town hall. Outside the wall (at the right) is this slope, which was my very first 'green art' work.


Now let's strip the tree and use the trunk for new foliage: Seemoos (Noch 23100) and green leaves (Noch 07154)



Stripping the park and slope



Adding a new fence (I didn't know that it was open)



This is how the park looked at noon today...



. . . but afterwards!





Now that's more like it!



Kind of same approach with the hillside.



Building in layers: brown dirt, grass, low vegetation, bushes and finally some trees.







1.6.2 ~ T h e  G o r g e

(July 18,  2019)



As you will remember, I recently 'painted' the city wall on top of this gorge, turning it from plastic into 'real' stone. 

However, I never finished the gorge beneath, always intending to have a small river with water right here.

Since the town is separate form the layout and the cutting is exactly in the bed of the river,

I decided that 'this river has dried out many years ago and forest has taken over...'



Filling the edges with gluesoaked mashed paper



The next step is choosing matching colours for rock. Since water has been involved, I add some Prusian blue...



After applying a mixture of shades of gray and blue, I finished with earth and a dry white topping.



Last weekend, a friend gave me two bags: one filled with yellow sand, the other with gravel .

The former flood has left stones and rocks in its course...







The stage coach was covered with thinned 'Heki Dur Lazur' as well. Less toy-like.   




And some new shots taken after some finetuning in September 2019... 




Frits Osterthun © 2019

Last update: 22.1.2023