R e n o v a t i o n J o u r n a l
1.5 ~ P l a t f o r m B e n c h
An idea derived from the Efteling Diorama
(July 4, 2019)
Lately, I've been thinking... of adding a roof like the one in the Efteling Diorama (14.7.2014).
Another platform at the Efteling Diorama (14.7.2014) shows this cuddly wooden bench.
I consider bringing both ideas together!
Considering the measurement of the Efteling's bench... mine is way too wide!
So I cut it in two...
At my dealer's shop, I saw this gadget. It gives me the right idea how to position the wooden beams for carrying the roof.
And no, I didn't buy it! I'll dew it myself!
With a sagged roof and a small and shining lamppost inside the vault...
Forget the Diorama!
And then: Heki Lasur Farbe!
To me, it's the invention of the century!
Here's the other (half of the) platform...
The other one will have a roof with lamp, which is going to be situated at the far right end of the platform:
At this point I am still wondering how to go on: where to put the beams and supporting beams?
But... in the end this is what is was going to look like!
With such a delicate concept - all made of wood - the Styrofoam roof I intended to use was way to plump!
A little insulation will do no harm, preventing light shining through the beams...
One day's work. But yet, I love it!
Most rewarding result!
Frits Osterthun © 2019
Last update: 22.1.2023