R e n o v a t i o n  J o u r n a l



18.1 ~ The Sheep are back again

(February 2022)


Now that the renovation is coming to an end, and all vegetation is almost ready, the Preiserlein can also take up their original or even new place. 




Since the Cochemer Bahn was created, there were sheep in the front.

For one reason or another, I never glued them to the layout.

Which meant that with some regularity one or more sheep were knocked over.



The sheep could only return when nature was ready...



The boy and his dog were back in January...


... so was the shepherd, be it on a new spot now.



Here's my own (old) flock, but the sheep breed has changed into Walliser Schwarznasenschaf, after an idea of Geke van Petegem




My flock was extended with 8 Walliser sheepfrom Geke. They're in the back of the flock.











Frits Osterthun © 25.2.2022

Last update: 2.11.2023