R e n o v a t i o n  J o u r n a l


P r e l u d e (4)




Who cares about the invisible and unseen?! I didn't!


Until now...!



As it was in the beginning... in the 1990's


Since I started the Cochemer Bahn, I rather didn't bother for covering those parts of the layout that were beyond vision.

Even if the back side of the layout is hidden behind walls and houses and invisible from the front, I thought it's time to give it a natural look as well.

Every square inch has to be conquered now, whereas damaged parts need to be restored properly.


Let the pictures tell the story of a renovation that began on a winter day, Anno Domini 2018.



Since I moved, I found lots of materials that were stored in the attic, out of sight for years.



Where the green stuff was bought in the shop (Heki, Woodland, Faller, Noch),

natural materials are more in my line. It was still all there, kept in boxes, clean and dry.


Now this is how it looks from the back side (17/11).

The green field between the two towers was meant to visually lengthen the layout, while looking right under the gate!

A mirror was positioned 45 degrees, so you looked straight forward into the meadows, while in effect the scene was situated just around the corner.



First of all the furthest corner is turned into a complete wildland.

White glue mixed with water and a few drops of soap is wher it all starts with!



With various forms, from brown underground to green foliage and coarse turf (earth and blend), you get into a sort of wild lands...



Although these walls haven't been weathered properly yet (it will be done later on), I intended to cover the whole area behind the town.





Then again, inside the walls there needs to be done some 'greening' as well...








Frits Osterthun © 2018

Last update: 24.1.2023