R h e i n s t r e c k e
3. S c h a l t h a u s "Z e r n e z"
Faller 120269
3.1 - Introduction
For the
construction of the 'Rheinstrecke', I have a number of construction sets from
Faller in mind.
It concerns a signal box, a switching station, a wooden bridge, as well as a shed
with outbuildings, meant for the upper section, which is intended as a small
goods shunting yard.
Above the lower section - the actual Rheinstrecke -
there will be a small castle named Schlossberg - on the far left of the display case,
to give the main section the allure we know from the original Rheinstrecke in Germany.
3.2 - Unboxing
Like with the stairs of Schloss Cochem, I had the idea to cut out this part and put a gate in it.
However, I had already used it elsewhere. So, I'll leave it that way.
3.3 - Painting
3.4 - Constructing
That's it, if by the booklet!
... the kit also contained a small rain gutter that fits exactly. Just to top it off!
Considering this very picture, Friedl Güth expressed it most charmingly (and aptly) on FB:
"Die Verwandlung eines Serienbausatzes zum Unikat ist dir wiedereinmal hervorragend gelungen."
This touches on my first philosophical rule regarding structures on the Cochemer Bahn:
building will be different in color and/or shape, as it cannot be found on any
other layout.
Frits Osterthun © 28.4.2023
Last update: 25.6.2023