InterModellbau Dortmund 2024





Thursday | 18 April 2024


After a particular photoshoot at Adler Modellbahnmanufaktur Köln on Wednesday April 17, the day after I was at the Dortmund Intermodellbau Messe for particular reason.


1. Appointment with Brawa | 10:00 a.m.

Since the Bremsanlagen on both Milchwagen 50357 and 50360 fail, Mr. Ronny Triquet would bring and hand them over on my request after my phone call last week).

Alas, for some reason the message by Mrs. Zaab or Petra Illg was not communicated clearly, Triquet brought only one set of each part for only one car.

However, these are the moments to do business. So yes, after noticing this flaw, we agreed that I would mail him and he would see after it, sending it to me for free after the Dortmund Fair.

Mr. Triquet confirmed that the Brawa produciton as ALWAYS been in China, not only the last decade. Alas, the quality has deteriorated drastically.






Coffee brake | 10:15 a.m.

On the balcony is a small reataurant. After patiently waiting in the cue, this young lady made a cappuchino. Well... it didn't even look like it.

When she handed the cup I asked: "Well, sop much for a nice layer of crema..."

"Do you want more foam of milk?"

"I think so... "


HEr second attempt was even worse. Then she asked: "Do you want me to make you a new coffee?"

Normaly it's fine to me, but now, not because I paid €3,80 for a paper cup with some warm liquid, no: to me coffee is a ritual written in capitals, always and everywhere.

So yes, I gave her a second chance. However, even now she didn't do much better, but whatever.

The line at the Märklin stand was pretty long, the line for coffee was at least as long now.

After about 12 minutes I finally had my coffee...






2. Appointment with Adler | Wagenwerk 10:30 a.m

My next appointment was with Joachim van Wagenwerk, colleague of Julian, where some models from Adler Modellbahnmanufaktur were in the display case.

I was given complete freedom to make recordings of the T 10 (OHE) and the BR 03 with a special smoke trap on the spot in an improvised studio.

In addition, there were some works of art that Julian made, such as the '18 meter high' lantern and the four-cylinder block.





Wagen mit Spielwaage für Pferdekarren und -kutschen (see: Spielwaage)



Gittermastlaterne 18m Mast mit oberirdischer Stromzuführung (R-A-1660) 


Art Deco Laterne (A-9563)




2a. Baureihe 76 (T10 KPEV) der OHE | A-9216


Next to making a 'proper' display with that which was at hand, in this case only a sheet...



...we also needed to look after proper - be it artificial - light: two big blue tubes wer at each side and gave...


With my cellphone case as flatbed, testing Adler's OHE T10 (Umbausatz A-9216), still in the odd light of these two blueish purple lamps at the side of the table... naaahhhh!

That's not going to work. So we took them out and continued like...











Yes, we're having fun indeed!


2b. DRG 03 116 from LVA Grunewald | Adler A-9116













3. Faller meets Osterthun (again) | 12:30 p.m.

Hands were shaken, greetings were exchanged, new appointments were made about my 2024 projects.

Since mr. Horst Neidhard from Faller - whom I spoke to last year at the trade fair - could not be in Dortmund today,

Mr. Norbert Trommeter (key account manager at Faller) emailed me and was 'looking forward to meeting Mr. Osterthun'.

"Gerne begrüßen wir Sie am FALLER Stand, ich freue mich darauf, Sie kennenzulernen."
We had an animated conversation in the Faller stand and agreed that in addition to my previous order for the Faller Neuheiten 2024

I sort of had a certain free hand to order what I needed for the CB and other projects (modules), with particular attention to the Rothenburg poster I need.


Mr. Trommeter was impressed by the little he had seen of my work on the Faller Forum (a forum run by fans, not by Faller).

Some photos of the Pulverturm that I showed on site showed a reaction from him that I can say: a large green flag has been raised.

I was also appreciative of mr. Trommeter for seriously answering my question regarding the departure of mr. Francisco Hoyo at Faller's,

who was my very first contact with Faller in 2022 and throughout 2023.






Rather fun to see the 'clean' Faller buildings of the Hallenhaus (rightside: Neuheit 2023 on CB now, left one: Neuheit 2024, coming up soon to CB as well)

With a certain picture in the back (or was it the front?) of my mind:




4. Appointment at Märklin | 12:30 p.m.


Ontouchable behind glass, however...


At my request to Mr. M.E. Peschel to do photo shoot, I received a kind answer:


Sehr geehrter Herr Peschel,

Wie im letzten Jahr möchte ich auch dieses Jahr bei meinem Besuch auf der Dortmunder Intermodellbau mit Ihrer Erlaubnis einige H0 Märklin-Modelle fotografieren.

Ich hoffe, am Donnerstag, den 18. April, in Dortmund zu sein. 

Über Ihre zustimmende Antwort würde ich mich freuen.


Mit freundlichen Grüße

Frits Osterthun


Guten Morgen,


Sehr gerne können Sie wieder die Märklin Modelle ablichten.


Sie können sich ja dann in Dortmund ein Modell aussuchen, was wir in den Vitrinen ausstellen

und Herr Koukal wird Ihnen dieses dann aus der Vitrine nehmen.


Gruß aus Göppingen

EM Peschel




Märklin 38232 | Baureihe 18.3 | DB 18 323 der LVA Grunewald (this one will arrive at my dealer's soon)





Märklin 39532 | Baureihe 52 KDL | DRG 52 1400




Märklin 37086 | Baureihe 86 | DB 86 507 (hopefully a 'Wehrmachtgraue' DRG version will run into my collection one day)



After the shooting, mr. Koukal is putting all stuff back into the cabinet...


This one will NOT run into my collection, since it adds not much...



5. Finishing up with a small tour on the compound | 13:15 p.m.








Roco, Brawa, Märklin Spur 1




La Bussière-sûr-Ouche


And then... going back home again!

With lots of pics and a big smile. If only one knew...





Frits Osterthun © InterModellbau Westfalenhalle Dortmund | 18.4.2024

All pictures under Copyright Protection


Last update: 20.4.2024