Model Trains

On the next page you will find information of all models from German Electric Locomotives with their particular numbers, 

released by various European factories in various scales.


Just click on the image at the right to continue. You may use the F11 button to enlarge your screen.

Be aware that this page is under construction, since I started to write it in December 2007.


Nevertheless, there's a preview of my Static Gallery  at:



Altbau Eloks

How to use this models list



* Märklin

* Trix

* Sachsenmodelle

* Weinert

* Fleischmann

* Roco

* Lima

* Micro Metakit

* Brawa

* Liliput

* Piko

* Dingler

* Rivarossi

* Gützold

* Arnold

* Lemke Collection


For as much as models do exist or were traced by me, they were listed in order of their prototypes.