R e n o v a t i o n  J o u r n a l


Martinstor at Schloss Cochem | Martins Tower



Martinstor in Freiburg




24.1 ~ The Concept...

(July 20-28, 2022)


A follower of my Facebook Postings came up with the idea to put Faller's Martinstor in the front of Schloss Cochem,

trusting that I would make something beautiful out of it and thus give Schloss Bran my own touch.



Although I found this idea too massive at first, the thought did not let go of me.

So, at the beginning of July I took the plunge and ordered Faller's Martinstor.



Lateron, I even received modified suggestions, while he was using photo's of the Cochemer Bahn.





24.2 ~ Unboxing the Martinstor

(July 20, 2022)








24.3 ~ Painting in accordance with Schloss Cochem

(July 20, 2022)


If you have read the previous reports, you know bu now which method I use

regarding modifying, painting and aging classical buildings like these.



The stone fittings differ slightly from the castle in terms of basic color, due to the addition of orange.

The stucco gets the same gray base.






For the copper roof I use a mixture of bronze and green




24.4 ~ Weathering

(July 21-22, 2022)








24.5 ~ Construction

(July 23-24, 2022)



Faller did not yet prescribe specific tunnel lighting in the 1980s.

The hole in this ceiling is for the identical part at the top of the tower, where a Faller lamp with fitting can be placed.

However, I did add a small light to it to create a luminescent atmosphere.



My very last dome of the Viessmann lanterns...



No glass windows are prescribed for the windows. I think it's worth closing them anyway.








At this stage I am curious how the tower relates to the whole of the castle... 





Various possibilities are reviewed...




24.6 ~ To the Top

(July 25, 2022)






... and at night again a preview with fitting and measuring.





24.7 ~ Finishing up!

(July 26-27, 2022)









24.8 ~ Preview

(July 27, 2022)









24.9 ~ Rear Entrance

(April 2023)


Since the Martinstor stands against the castle wall, proper access to the castle is imperative.

With a piece of wall plate (Faller 170810) and a door, left over from Schloss Bran - with a little sanding, painting, aging and gluing - it should certainly work.





I am considering installing a suitable fence from Adler Modellbahnmanufaktur at the front.




Adjustment with parts of Zernez Stellwerk (Faller 120269):






Frits Osterthun © 1.8.2022

Last update: 24.5.2023