~ Sachsenmodelle~


Although Roco got interested in the Sachsenmodelle in the late eighties, this east German Company in Oybin/Dresden was for most interested in models from the Deutsche Reichsbahn (DR).


About 1980 Sachsenmodelle made some lovely models and sets in Era 1. One of them is  this Prussian tank wagon. 

Since these models are quite vulnerable, they were delivered in a styropor layer annex cover with cardboard box.


House colour was green and white.

A drawing marks the content.


Sachsenmodelle 16023


The side of model 16023. 


Kesselwagen = tank car

Ep. 1 = Epoche 1 (Era 1)

"DEA" = Deustche Erdöl-Aktiengesellschaft Berlin


Later on the boxes got a 'window' to allow a direct view on the models. 

Here's also a tank wagon, now in Era 2 livery for the DRG. 


Sachsenmodelle 16005


And a side look at  the same model 



In 1992, these three era 1 wagons were delivered 

in this attractive box. 


Sachsenmodelle 14007



It is made of quite vulnerable plastic, so you have to take care while opening the box.

It is recommended to open it not too often...




Frits Osterthun, 31.01.2005